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Blue Lace Agate - Small/Medium 




This stone inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. It's a support crystal for all caregivers, helps in calming stress-related situations and overcoming communication difficulties. Carry or wear Blue Lace Agate on you if you struggle to express your emotions without getting upset.
It is a stone of communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others, or who need confidence and articulation to share their truths.


It provides clarity of thought and unwavering intent to what matters most. Counteracts the feelings caused by past fears, judgments, or rejections. It dissolves old blockage patterns and doubt and permits new methods of self-expression and growth.


Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one’s own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma.

Blue Lace Agate



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