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Desert Rose - Small




Desert Rose crystals are excellent tools for grounding and harnessing earth energy. It can clear blockages in the upper chakras allowing it to heighten your intuitive visionary abilities.

A Desert Rose is a Guardian Solidifier crystal structure. Guardians do not reveal their inner strength. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess. 


In the physical world, Desert Roses are excellent aids in protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. They are very useful in protecting houses and homes, property, and valuables. 


Desert Roses are excellent aids in a wide variety of efforts. When you want to regain your composure, relax in your life, reconnect with the natural world, or just find the time to be yourself a while, brown talismans, like the turquoise ones, are excellent aids.

Desert Rose



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