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Bumble Bee Jasper - Medium/Large




Bumble Bee Jasper is a remarkable stone for deflecting jealousy and makes an excellent shield if you are the object of petty gossip. Use to ease chronic worries and self-consciousness about what others say or think, and to help overcome embarrassment when eating alone in public.


Bumble Bee Jasper is considered a Seeker Transformer Crystal. Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of one’s life to a more desirable state.  Seekers are used when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess. When they possess the Earth Power of the Transformer they form crystals that are excellent for seeking new capabilities that will transform some part of our life.  This crystal is a storage crystal. It will gather the Universal Life Force and can be renewed by sunlight.


Bumble Bee Jasper helps one have a positive view of life and provides mental clarity. It also brings joy, vitality, and confidence to one’s life.

Bumble Bee Jasper



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